The spooky grad-student hell dream

I few months ago I saw a production of “The Book of Mormon”– the musical written by the creators of South Park. I didn’t really like the (ethnocentric and racist) storyline, but some of the songs were catchy and fun. One of these was “The Spooky Mormon Hell Dream”, link here:

It’s Hell for Mormon-specific minor sins (it features dancing coffee).

I waste a fair amount of mental energy feeling guilty for grad-student sins.

Things I’ve felt guilty about over the last week:

-losing productivity in late afternoon

-not getting to lab until 11:30am (after staying in lab until 3am the night before)

-working on projects that should have been complete several months ago

-outlining a NaNoWriMo novel during office hours

-doing homework the same day it’s due

-gchat and other internet while in lab

-not working on the weekend

-not being conscientious about lab chores

-complaining about my advisers

-not paying attention during talks

-not appreciating graduate school

-being more excited about books/fun than science/work

and last but not least…

-blogging in lab 🙂

Forgive me Science, for I have sinned…

I’m always working on being a better student, and not all weeks are as bad as last week. Still, it’s unusual to go more than a week or so without some failures, and the resulting disproportionate guilt. Graduate Student Hell probably includes angry committee members, rancid seminar coffee, dead specimens, and eventual unemployment. Hopefully that stays a spooky dream, and doesn’t become reality.